Pittsburgh is a city with many hills, which leaves many homeowner's properties at a lower elevation, liable to receiving unwanted runoff and drainage from the neighboring properties above. Or you may have a grading and drainage issue within your own property that needs attention. If you are getting water in your house, or if you have soft, squishy turf for days after it rains, you probably have a water issue in your yard that could use a drainage system. Each property is unique and requires creative, functional solutions. Contact the team at Solid Contracting today to schedule an appointment!
Phone: (412) 584-1913
Email: solidcontractingllc@gmail.com
Address: PO Box 44162 Pittsburgh, PA
Licensed # PA 127023
Phone: (412) 584-1913 | Email: solidcontractingllc@gmail.com | Address: PO Box 44162 Pittsburgh, PA | Licensed # PA 127023